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Search Results         Found 190 Titles.

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INDJ-00394 Bharata Manisha Quarterly ( A Journal of Indological and Oriental Studies )
INDJ-00396 Bharati ( Utkal University Journal ) HUMANITIES
INDJ-00395 Bharati-Sodha-Sara-Samgraha
INDJ-02296 Bharatiya Loka-Yana ( A Journal on Indian Folklore )
INDJ-00651 Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika ( In English and Hindi ) NOW : Indian Journal of Educational Research
INDJ-00397 Bharatiya Vidya ( A Journal of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan )
INDJ-00398 Bibliotheca Indica ( Vedanta-Parijata-Saurabha of Nimbarka and Vedanta Kausturbha of Srinivasa )
INDJ-00399 Brahmavadin ( A Quarterly Devoted to the Quest of Spiritual Life )
INDJ-00706 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute
INDJ-00402 Bulletin of the Institute of Traditional Cultures (NOW : Bulletin of the Institute of Traditional Cultures of South and South East Asia)
INDJ-02883 Bulletin of the Institute of Traditional Cultures of South and South East Asia ( FORMERLY : Bull.of Inst.Traditional Cultures )
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